AstraZeneca Covishield Vaccine Banned in Some Countries

The second wave of Covid-19 has been much more dangerous with several virus mutations which have had a severe effect on on human health. Apart from respiratory infections, patients have been seen to have gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea/ vomiting, abdominal pain and abnormal liver enzymes. Moreover, Autopsies of Covid-19 patients have revealed clots in the small vessels of the lungs, heart, liver, and kidney which are responsible for strokes and heart attacks. A lot of Covid patients who are critical are also reported to be having high levels of blood clotting.

The AstraZeneca Covishield vaccine, one of the most popular vaccines has been marred by controversies ever since the roll-out started. While the vaccine is being widely used in India and some other countries but few countries have banned its use. Most of the cases of blood clotting have been reported from Europe only and in India its almost negligible. According to experts, this side effect can be a result of lifestyle and many other factors. Many countries have put a hold on the administration of the  vaccine ever since adverse reactions, including the various blood clotting incidents.

Who is most Vulnerable and What are Symptoms ?
Patients who have severe coronavirus infection and those with high blood levels of d-dimer. Also those Patients who already have other problems like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Symptoms include weakness in arms or legs, difficulty speaking, tenderness, breathing issue and chest pain.

What can happen due to Blood Clotting
Blood Clotting cause sudden drop in blood pressure and oxygen levels. It can lead to Heart attack if the artery of the heart is blocked and if an artery of the brain is blocked, it can cause Brain Stroke.

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