The Undertaker Retires, WWE shares Throwback Pictures

WWE Legend The Undertaker aka The Phenom has finally decided to call it quits after entertaining all the fans for past three decades. The Undertaker announced his retirement from World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) during the final episode of The Last Ride where the Deadman said that he has no desire to return to the ring for another match. The Undertaker spoke about his most recent match against wrestler AJ Styles and said that it was the perfect moment which you don’t get always. So according to him , this was the perfect ending to a career.

The Undertaker’s last match in WWE against Styles at Wrestlemania 36 was a Boneyard Match. The match lived up to the expectations and in the end it was The Undertaker who came out victorious after burying Styles. After the Undertaker’s announcement, Styles also shared an emotional message on Social Media. Styles wrote that he was still floored by the experience and reaction to the Boneyard match at Wrestlemania. He further added that he was honoured that The Undertaker’s last WWE match was against him.

WWE also confirmed about Undertaker’s retirement on Social Media and even posted some old behind the scene pictures of the Phenom.

Undertaker had hinted about Retirement after match with Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania earlier but had returned to the ring later. But now, the Legend’s in ring career is over and the fans will not get to see Undertaker wrestling in the ring again. 

Undertaker has entertained fans for a long time and nothing can match the moment when the lights went out and fans went crazy. During his career , he took part in matches like hell in a cell, buried alive,casket match etc. which received huge popularity. He also had a Wrestlemania unbeaten record for 21 times until he lost to Brock Lesnar. Fans can till watch a lot of his videos which include the greatest moments and iconic matches over the last three decades.

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