Black Fungus Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

If Coronavirus was not enough, Black Fungus (Mucormycosis) has added to stress and anxiety. Although Covid-19 cases in India are decreasing, Black Fungus cases have been increasing all over the country and people are looking for ways to stay safe and avoid this fungal infection.

What is Mucormycosis infection ?
Mucormycosis is a rare but very dangerous fungal infection caused by a group of Fungi called Mucormycetes.

Who are in Danger?

  1. People who have weak immune system.
  2. People who have been on oxygen Support.
  3. People who have taking medication for other illness such as diabetes.


  1. Blackening over the nose
  2. Blurred Vision
  3. Chest Pain
  4. Cough
  5. Breathing Difficulty

Some experts have explained how to Prevent Black Fungus-

  1. Don’t use Steroids during the beginning of Coronavirus.
  2. Don’t use Steroids for longer duration than Doctor’s prescription.
  3. Take care of oral hygiene as after recovery from Coronavirus, intake of steroids and other medicines can lead to growth of fungus in mouth and cause problem in other parts of body. Try to brush teeth 2-3 times a day.
  4. Continuously monitoring Glucose Levels in those who have diabetes.

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